Teaching FAQs

Academic Calendars

Academic Misconduct Policy for Undergraduates

Class Rosters

Classroom Media Information

Classroom Hotline for Urgent In-Class Response: 831-459-5858.

Copy Cards for Academic Copying

Course copy cards available for check-out in the department office (Sins 225). These should be used for smaller copy jobs under a few hundred copies. For copying exams or other high volume materials, please place an order with the UCSC Copy Center.

Course Evaluations

The department office administers Student Evaluation of Teaching (SETs) Fall, Winter and Spring quarters. Evals typically open two weeks before quarter end and close the Sunday before finals week. Student incentive, such as a small percentage of their participation grade, can be used to increase evaluation participation. You may review your evaluations after the grade submission deadline following each quarter. Contact the department assistant (cniblett@ucsc.edu) to review your OCEs.

Summer quarter course evaluations are administered by Summer Session and are forwarded to departments in September.

Desk Copies

Desk copies available for instructors and TAs to check-out in the department office (Sins 225). If you have adopted a new textbook, please email the details to the department assistant (cniblett@ucsc.edu), and they will contact the publisher to obtain copies for departmental use.

Disability Resource Center (DRC) and Student Accommodations

Faculty may choose to arrange testing accommodations themselves or may elect to have PBSci Testing Support make accommodations on their behalf.  If you would like PBSci testing to make accommodations for your undergraduate course, please email testing.pbsci@ucsc.edu. The DRC recommends incorporating information about student accommodations in your course syllabus, website, and class announcements to ensure that requests for authorized accommodations are received in a timely manner.


The department manager will send a out an email prior to Fall, Winter, & Spring quarters with the following permission code procedures:

    1. Tell all students to add to the course wait list.  If they are not able to gain a seat through the course wait list then plan to attend the first class meeting.
    2. First day of class, pass around a formatted sign-up sheet for students to fill out requesting a permission code.
    3. Put the number or name of course on top of list and drop it off at the Biology Advising Office (JBEB 142); FAX 459.1568, or scan and send to mcdadvising@ucsc.edu. The advising office will review permission code request lists, check for prerequisites and provide information about students on the list to instructors to assist them in deciding whom to add into their course. This information can include, class level, major, prerequisite satisfaction and disqualification status. Once advising returns the list to instructors, you may request permission codes from Teel Lopez (tablack@ucsc.edu).
    4. If you wish to admit students that do not have the prerequisite(s) - contact Teel Lopez (tablack@ucsc.edu) for additional codes.    


Entering grades, changing grades, etc.

Guidelines for Addressing Disruptive Students

Information Technology Services (ITS)

Privacy of Student Records


Writing Supplies

Whiteboard markers, red pens, and other teaching supplies are located in the MCD Biology department office (Sins 225). If you do not see what you need, please contact the department assistant.

UCSC Copy Center