
Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology Faculty

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Core MCD Faculty

Manuel Ares, Jr. Pre-mRNA Splicing & Processing
Joshua Arribere Cellular quality control of gene expression
Needhi Bhalla Meiotic Chromosome Dynamics
Hinrich Boeger Chromatin Structure and Gene Regulation
Guido Bordignon Biology education research (BER), evidenced-based teaching strategies
David Boyd Viral immunology, respiratory viruses, stromal cells, lung biology, lung extracellular matrix
Susan Carpenter Long noncoding RNA and Innate Immunity
Bin Chen Mammalian Brain Development
Bradley Colquitt
Molecular mechanisms of behavioral development and evolution
Valerie Cortez RNA viruses, epithelial biology, and mucosal immunology
David Feldheim Mammalian Brain Development
Oliver Fregoso Lentiviral replication & evolution, innate immunity, DNA damage & repair
Carol Greider Telomerase and Telomere Length Regulation
Giulia Gurun Inclusive Pedagogy in STEM, Biology Undergraduate Education and Curriculum
Grant Hartzog How Chromatin Influences Transcription
Lindsay Hinck Cellular Interactions During Organogenesis and Tumorigenesis
Melissa Jurica Structure and Functional Analysis of Spliceosomes
Rohinton Kamakaka Transcriptional Silencing and Insulators
Doug Kellogg Control of Cell Growth and Size
Euiseok Kim The Development of Neural Circuits for Higher Brain Functions
Jeremy Lee Molecular biology education & curricula; Drosophila models of neurodegeneration
Harry Noller Structure & Function of the Ribosome
Matthew Romero Skeletal muscle biology, epigenetic regulation and metabolism 
Sofie Salama Genomics, stem cell biology, neurodevelopment, molecular evolution, retrotransposons
Jeremy Sanford Genomic Analysis of Protein-RNA interactions
Upasna Sharma RNA-mediated epigenetic inheritance
Shaheen Sikandar Functional heterogeneity among normal and cancer stem cells
Susan Strome Chromatin and RNA Regulation in C. elegans
William Sullivan Cell cycle, cytoskeleton, and host-pathogen interactions
John Tamkun Chromatin Remodeling in Drosophila Development
Dan Turner-Evans Bottom-up characterization of cognitive neural circuits in Drosophila
Olena Vaske Genomics of pediatric cancers and rare diseases
Zhu Wang Prostate development and cancer, tissue stem cells
Jordan Ward Biological Timers in Development
Alan M. Zahler Pre-mRNA Exon Recognition & Alternative Splicing
Martha Zúñiga Cell Biology of Class I Histocompatibility Molecules
Yi Zuo Decipher the dynamic neural circuit in the living brain



Victoria Auerbuch-Stone METX The interaction between the gut pathogen Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and the mammalian immune system
Angela Brooks BME Transcriptome Analysis of RNA Splicing and Cancer
Manel Camps METX Use of Random Mutagenesis for Studies of Evolution and for Therapy
Raquel Chamorro-Garcia METX Epigenetic mechanisms of genome-environment interactions and transgenerational inheritance in mouse models
Russell Corbett-Detig BME Population and Evolutionary Genomics, Bioinformatics
Rebecca DuBois BME Structure, Function, and Engineering of Virus Proteins
Camilla Forsberg BME Hematopoietic stem cells; transcriptional regulation; chromatin; blood cell development; cell surface receptors; genomics
David Haussler BME Molecular evolution, neurodevelopment, genomics, bioinformatics, computational molecular biology, statistical models, machine learning, neural networks
Ted Holman CHEM Biochemical and Inhibitory Investigations into Lipoxygenase: a Possible Therapeutic for Stroke, Diabetes and Heart Disease
Tim Johnstone CHEM Medicinal bioinorganic chemistry; synthetic inorganic chemistry; nanoparticle drug delivery; inorganic spectroscopy; small-molecule X-ray crystallography; mammalian and microbiological cell culture
Jacqueline Kimmey METX Host pathogen interactions and dynamics in Streptococcus pneumoniae infection
Sarah Loerch CHEM

Structure and function of RNA-protein complexes, electron cryo-microscopy, biochemistry and biophysics, image processing

Scott Lokey CHEM

Organic chemistry; combinatorial synthesis, biotechnology, molecular cell biology

Todd M. Lowe BME Experimental and computation genomics, ncRNA gene finders, DNA microarrays to study the biology of Archaea
John MacMillan CHEM Natural products chemistry, chemical biology, structural elucidation, cancer biology, microbial natural products
Shaun McKinnie CHEM Discovery and application of natural product biosynthetic enzymology and chemistry
Jaron Mercer CHEM
Synthetic organic chemistry, protein evolution, chemical biology
Karen Miga BME Centromere sequence characterization, satellite DNA evolution, epigenetic annotation of repeat-rich regions
Glenn Millhauser CHEM Prions, Metallobiochemistry, Agouti and Melanocortin Signaling, Total Protein Synthesis
Karen Ottemann METX Environmental responses of pathogenic bacteria
Carrie Partch CHEM Molecular Mechanisms of Circadian Rhythmicity
Benedict Paten BME Genome Analysis and Precision Medicine
Michael Patnode METX Defining competitive relationships among members of the human gut microbiota as it relates to carbohydrate metabolism
Seth Rubin
Biomolecular mechanisms of cell-cycle regulation and cancer; structural biology and biochemistry; macromolecular x-ray crystallography; nuclear magnetic resonance
Shelbi Russell BME Symbiosis, evolutionary genetics, molecular evolution, developmental biology, cell biology
Chad Saltikov METX Understanding the Molecular Biology and Ecology of Bacteria that Metabolize Toxic Metals
William G. Scott CHEM Structure and function of RNA, proteins, and their complexes
Aleksandra Skrajna CHEM
We are using interdisciplinary approaches, including proteomics and cryo-EM to study chromatin structure and function.
Beth Shapiro EEB Evolutionary and molecular ecology, ancient DNA, genomics, pathogen evolution
Tal Sharf BME Mapping human neuronal circuitry
Ali Shariati BME Cell division cycle, cellular differentiation, cell fate decision, genome engineering, pluripotency, stem cells, transcription, chromatin
Alexander Sher Physics Development of experimental techniques for the study of neural function
Donald Smith METX Molecular and Functional impacts of Neurotoxic Agents
Michael Stone CHEM Single-molecule Biophysics and Enzymology; Structure, function, and assembly of the telomerase ribonucleoprotein, Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), optical/magnetic trapping, sub-diffraction optical imaging of telomeres and the nucleus
Christopher Vollmers BME DNA Sequencing Tools for the Analysis of B cells
Andy Yeh BME Using Protein Design and Chemical Biology to build light-emitting systems and protein biosensors for biological discovery and diagnostics
Fitnat Yildiz METX Microbiology, molecular genetics, genomics; the mechanism of persistence of survival of Vibrio cholerae


Emeritus Faculty

Barry Bowman Functions of ATPases in Active Transport
Jerry Feldman Molecular Genetic Analysis of Circadian Clock Mechanisms
Harry Noller Structure & Function of the Ribosome
Cliff Poodry Developmental Biology
Bill Saxton Cytoskeletal Motors and Active Transport Processes
Lincoln Taiz Plant Development and Physiology, History of Plant Biology
Howard Wang Biophysics and Molecular Biology of Receptors, Neuropharmacology


In Memoriam 

Charles Daniel Animal Development, Cellular Aging
Robert Edgar  Developmental Genetics
Henry Hilgard
Understanding the mechanism by which animals recognize and reject transplanted tissue or organs
Robert Ludwig  Plant-microbe Interactions & Plant Gene Cloning
Frank Talamantes Biochemical and Molecular Endocrinology