Supply Reimbursements
UCSC's CruzBuy system offers many lab equipment and supply vendors, therefore paying out-of-pocket for these types of purchases is discouraged. However, certain circumstances may arise that will require you to apply for reimbursement for your purchase.
In most cases, you will use a Direct Pay form for your reimbursement. Academic purchases are reimburseable and the department assistant ( can help you with this process. It is reccommeded that you check with your research accountant BEFORE making any purchases as UCSC has very strict reimbursement guidelines.
For lab purchases, or any items associated with your research, please fill out a Direct Pay form, follow the instructions, and submit to your research accountant. Your accountant will be your best resource for this type of reimbursement.
Please visit the UCSC Financial Affairs page for the most current version of the Direct Pay form and for further details.