Copier Access & Printing

MCD Biology Copy Machines

The MCD Biology department manages three copiers in the Sinsheimer building and one in the Biomedical Sciences building. 

The copier on the second floor of Sinsheimer (room 248) have the following abilities:

• Copy in color or black & white
• Scan in color or black & white
• Printing capabilities*

*Contact Carrie Niblett ( to set-up your computer to print to the copier of your choice.

The copiers on the Sinsheimer third and fourth floors are located on the landings above the stairs and copy in black & white only.

To be added to the copier(s), simply send an email to the copier program at and include the following details:
• Your name
• The copiers you would like to be added to (Sinsheimer copiers and/or Biomed 301 copier)
• The FOAPAL to charge (pay) for your copies or prints
• Your email address, if you would like a keyboard shortcut created for your email address -- for scanning purposes only

Copy Cards for Academic Copying

Copy cards are available for check-out in the department office (Sins 225). These should be used for smaller copy jobs under a few hundred copies and will be charged to a course FOAPAL. For copying exams or other high volume materials, please contact the UCSC Copy Center to place your order.

For Office/Lab Printing

You will need to purchase a printer for your office and/or lab. Contact the Department office or ITS for suggestions. Please order supplies such as paper and ink for your lab printer on CruzBuy.