Hiring Undergrads

Undergraduate student workers are paid employees, and are hired through the Career Center. Whether you have already identified the student you want to hire, or want to post an ad, you will use the Handshake/HIRES System that is hosted by the Career Center.

Handshake is the platform you will utilize to post, advertise, and recruit student employees.

Hire Request Student Employment System (HIRES) is the platform you will utilize to process all casual restricted student employment hiring and onboarding.

Funding Approval:

1. Send an email to your accountant approving the hire of a student worker. Include details like:
  • Name of Student (if applicable)
  • Start date, end date
  • Hours/week
  • FOAPAL to charge
2. Your accountant will approve of this charge via email. Sometimes the accountant will copy the Staff HR representative that is helping you hire the student. If Staff HR is not copied, please forward this approval email to Staff HR for their records.

Steps to hire:

  1. Contact the Staff HR Representative that services the MCD Biology Department. They will help you get access to Handshake/HIRES.
  2. Login to Handshake to create the job posting.
  3. Fill in the details of the appointment.
  4. If you know the student you will be hiring, simply send them an email with a link to the job posting once it is live.
  5. When you have identified a candidate, use the HIRES system to process the hire.
Please visit the Career Center's Handshake/HIRES support page which has in-depth guides and videos to assist you with each step of the job posting and hiring process.

Student workers use CruzPay to input hours worked. They are paid on a bi-weekly basis, so a timesheet will be required every two weeks, and will need to be approved by you.


  • The Student Assistant series was consolidated into a single classification, Student Assistant IV.
  • Students are normally hired at the minimum pay rate of the range for a given classification. However, Human Resource Teams will have the flexibility to recruit above the minimum pay rate.
  • If the pay rate exceeds 10% of the minimum pay rate, there must be a justification statement included in the "Notes for Career Center" section of the ER. 
  • Recruitment and/or retention issues are the primary consideration for posting of positions with above minimum pay rates.  Please contact our HR Service Team member if you have any questions regarding compensation rate of student employees.
  • Please visit the Student Employment Policies and Procedures webpage for more information.