
Enrollment Basics 
Enrollment Tips
Enrollment FAQs
Wait List Information
Wait List Tips 
How-to: Wait List a Required Lab
How-to: Troubleshoot Your Enrollment
How-to: Resolve a Time Conflict

Q: I am currently enrolled in a class with a required lab, but would like to swap into a different lab section. Can I swap?

A: If the lab you want to swap into is open, you can swap. Step-by-step instructions for swapping a class or lab can be found on the Registrar Enrollment FAQs.

Q: I am already enrolled in a discussion section, how do I change to a different discussion section?

A: Step-by-step instructions for editing your discussion section can be found on the Registrar Enrollment FAQs.

Q: Is enrolling in a discussion section mandatory?

A: This will vary by course. Please look the course up in the Schedule of Classes to see if your discussion section is required or optional. If the discussion section is required, you must enroll in the discussion section when enrolling in the lecture. If the discussion section is optinal, you do not have to enroll in a discussion section when enrolling in the lecture.

Q: The discussion section I want to enroll in is full. What should I do?

A:A permission code will not allow you to enroll in a full discussion section. If the discussion section is OPTIONAL, you do not need to be enrolled in the discussion section to be enrolled in the lecture. Enroll in the lecture and your instructor or TA will provide additional information on discussion section attendance. If the discussion section is REQUIRED, you will need to enroll in a discussion section that is open. 

Q: At what point in the quarter will my lab meetings begin?

A: This will vary by lab. Some labs may have their first meetings before the first lecture meeting. Be sure to verify when you lab meetings begin by looking the lab up in the Schedule of Classes. Students who fail to attend their first lab meeting may be dropped from the class.

Q: I'm getting an error message that I have not met the prerequisites but I am either currently enrolled in the prerequisite course or have received a passing grade (C or better) in the prerequisite course in a previous quarter. What should I do?

A: The course may require that you enroll in an associated lab that you have not put into your shopping cart. If a lecture has a required lab, you must put the lecture, discussion section (if required), and lab in your shopping cart together before trying to enroll. You will get an error message that reads 'you do not meet the prerequisites' if you do not enroll in all required parts of the course. 

Q: I'm getting an error message that I have not met the prerequisites but I know I have met them. What should I do?

A: Answer the following questions to troubleshoot your enrollment:

Did you at any point in time get a "D" grade in any of the prerequisite courses?

NO, proceed to next question.

YES, the system won't recognize a "D" grade as satisfying prerequisites even after you have retaken and passed the course, to have prerequisite credit coded, email your major advisor:

Did you take the prerequisite course at another college?

NO, proceed to the next question.

YES, to be coded prerequisite credit, email an unofficial copy of your transcript to your major advisor:

Are you enrolling in all the parts of the course?

If you answered NO to the questions above, you, most likely are not enrolling in all the parts of the course or have a time conflict with one of the parts of the course - lecture, discussion section, lab lecture, lab section. For help enrolling, see our enrollment troubleshooting page.

Q: I am getting an error message that I have not met the prerequisites but I took the prerequisite course at another school and transferred it to UCSC. What should I do?

A: You must have the course applied to your UCSC academic record, follow these how-to instructions on transferring credit.

Q: If I am enrolled full-time, how do I add myself to a wait list?

A: Full-time students will not be added to a course via a wait list if adding the course puts them above the 19-unit maximum. Therefore it is recommended that full-time students use the swap feature when adding themselves to a wait list. Step-by-step instructions for swapping a class or lab can be found on the Registrar Enrollment FAQs.

Q: If I have a time conflict with a course I want to add, how do I add myself to a wait list?

A: You can add yourself to a wait list for a course you have a time conflict with, if you swap - simply set the swap up with the course you are enrolled in at the same time. Step-by-step instructions for swapping a class or lab can be found on the Registrar Enrollment FAQs.

Student Responsibility: You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of your enrollments. Be sure to verify your classes and grade options prior to the enrollment deadlines listed in the Academic and Administrative Calendar.