Enrollment Basics
Enrollment Tips
Enrollment FAQs
Wait List Information
Wait List Tips
How-to: Wait List a Required Lab
How-to: Troubleshoot Your Enrollment
How-to: Resolve a Time Conflict
Most students at one point or another need help troubleshooting their enrollment. Undergraduate Affairs does not issue permission codes to solve these enrollment problems, so your best bet is to get to the root cause. Use the error message you are receiving to determine the cause:
Have you at any time received a D in any of the prerequisite courses? D grades are often misread by the enrollment system. D is not a passing grade, you must pass a course with a C or better to meet the prerequisites. If you have since passed the prerequisite course, email your program advisor to have them code you prerequisite credit for the course in which you previously received the D grade.
Are you a major in the Baskin School of Engineering who has repeated calculus - for example, retaken MATH 11A as MATH 19A? The enrollment system has trouble interpreting repeated courses and does not always recognize that you passed MATH 19A, 19B and/or 23A. Contact Baskin School of Engineering Advising to have them code you prerequisite credit for the calculus course(s) you repeated.
There are only a few reasons why anyone enrolled on a wait list would not become enrolled in the course when a seat becomes available:
1. You have a time conflict. Carefully review your schedule; be sure to check for a time conflict with any discussion and/or lab sections. For a composite weekly view of your schedule, log on to MyUCSC, go to your schedule in your student center, click on the weekly schedule link at the bottom right corner of your list of enrolled courses. Use the weekly view to determine if the course you have wait listed conflicts with your currently enrolled courses.
2. You have wait listed a full section. Regardless of your wait list position, if you have wait listed an associated discussion or lab section that is full, you will be passed over for enrollment until a space becomes available in that section. To avoid this problem, choose a section that is open; if that is not possible, choose a section that has the shortest wait list or one at an undesirable time as these sections are most likely to have space become available. To address this problem, switch your wait list enrollment to an open section - drop the course and re-enroll onto a wait list for an available section.
3. Enrolling you into the course would put you over the unit limit. If your enrollment from the wait list will exceed the 19-unit limit, you will not be enrolled from the wait list.
Student Responsibility: You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of your enrollments. Be sure to verify your classes and grade options prior to the enrollment deadlines listed in the Academic and Administrative Calendar