MCD Biology Enrollment Guide for Spring 2025!

Updated 2/14/2025


This Enrollment Guide contains important information and updates about enrolling in classes for Spring Quarter 2025.

If you have concerns about housing insecurity, please contact Slug Support. If you are having trouble finding housing, please contact the UCSC Housing Office.

Helpful Reminders: 

  • Prioritize your major courses during First Pass enrollment and add GE’s during Second Pass enrollment, if necessary. 
  • Waitlists can only be joined during SECOND pass
  • Ensure you have no holds on your enrollment by checking your MyUCSC Student Center well before your enrollment appointment. 
  • Need to repeat a class for the third time? Be sure to check in with your College regarding a Double Repeat/Triple Take petition! NOTE: You MUST meet with your College to gain access to the Double Repeat/Triple Take petition.

Spring Enrollment Schedule (At-a-Glance): 


Table of Contents:


Spring 2025 Enrollment Resources 

How to Get Support During Enrollment

Due to limited staffing, our availability is limited. If you are declared or proposed an MCD Biology department sponsored major (Biology, BS; MCD Biology, BS; or Neuroscience, BS) please check your email for a message to schedule a 15-minute Spring Enrollment appointment with an advisor.

    1. Drop-In for quick questions regarding enrollment, academic planning, or choosing classes for the upcoming quarter
    2. Appointments for Academic Planning 
      1. Be sure to have started an academic plan using the resources on the MCD Biology Academic Planning webpage
      1. Remember! If you are emailing, be sure to put your College in the subject line!
    1. Please be sure to also check-in with your College Advisors to be sure all your General Education and University Requirements are being met in addition to your major requirements. 
    2. Your College Advisor should also be your first point of contact for Double Repeat/Triple Take Petitions, major exploration, and general information about university policies.


What Should I Enroll In?

Transfer Students

If you have completed CHEM 8B Organic Chemistry in Winter 2025 → Enroll in BIOL 100 Biochemistry. You can pair it with any lower division course you would like (e.g.,  MATH 11B, STAT 5 or 7/L, or PHYS 6A). 

*Note: BIOL 100 is the main prerequisite for most upper division MCD Biology (BIOL) courses and should be completed as soon as possible after transferring to UCSC.

If you have completed BIOL 101: Molecular Biology in Winter 2025 → Enroll in BIOL 110: Cell Biology.


Third Quarter Frosh

Continue your General Chemistry Series with the aim of completing CHEM 3A, CHEM 3B / CHEM 3BL, and CHEM 3C / CHEM 3CL by the end of Spring 2025 (Fall 2025 at the latest!). MATH 11A/MATH 16A/MATH 19A is also a high priority. 

Remember! CHEM 3A is a prerequisite for BIOL 20A. And BIOL 20A is a prerequisite for BIOE 20B and BIOL 20L. You should be looking to complete BIOL 20A at UCSC by the end of Fall 2025 at the latest.

*Remember that ALL qualification courses need to be completed by your 5th quarter, so that you can declare in your 6th quarter.

Though not a qualification class, we strongly recommend students looking to declare Biology, BS; MCD Biology, BS; or are unsure what Biology based major they are interested in to complete BIOE 20C. This course is a lower division major requirement for Biology, BS and MCD Biology, BS as well as a qualification requirement for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology majors.

Interested in Neuroscience or want to learn more about the Neuroscience Major? Look to enroll in BIOL 25: Frosh/Sophomore Neuroscience Seminar to learn more about the Neuroscience major. More information can be found under the MCD Biology Department Updates heading below.

Full/Closed Class - What Should I Do? 

Always prioritize qualification courses or the Core Upper Division (BIOL 100, 101, and 105) courses during first pass enrollment. We try to hold some seats in courses until after second pass enrollment, but we cannot guarantee additional seats will be available.

The ONLY WAY to request a seat in a course that is FULL is to get on a waitlist during second pass enrollment. A spot on the waitlist does not guarantee a spot in the class, so make sure you have a back up plan.

Please be sure to also read the course notes/enrollment restrictions for courses. Most enrollment restrictions lift during or after Second Pass Enrollment.

If you are not able to enroll or waitlist during your Second Pass enrollment appointmentsit may be because:

  1. You are missing a prerequisite
  2. You have an enrollment hold (check your portal for details)
  3. You have exceeded the number of units you are allowed to enroll in or waitlist

If you were unable to waitlist or add a class from your portal, you can complete the Enrollment Request Form for Spring 2025 about 2 weeks before the First Day of InstructionMonday, March 17, 2025 at 8am!

*Note: The Enrollment Request Form does not override holds or prerequisites nor is completing the form a substitution for being on the waitlist for a course.

The reason we are waiting until 2 weeks before the first day of class to open the form is because many enrollment problems/challenges that students are encountering right now will be resolved well in advance of the first day of class or they may decide that they are no longer interested in taking the class. 

Please remember that the MCD Biology Department strictly enforces course prerequisites - the Enrollment Request Sheet does not override course prerequisites.

Academic Planning

MCD Biology Curriculum Plan 2024-2025

Visit the MCD Biology Department Curriculum Plan to help you plan your courses for the rest of the year. Please remember that the curriculum plan is subject to change. For the summer session schedule, please check the Summer Session’s website.

Note that other departments have these too:

Need a Second or Third Class? 

Be sure to meet with your College Advisor to check your General Education (GE) requirements as well as other University requirements are met. The Colleges have provided a list of courses that have few (if any) prerequisites - this list is called the “Best Bets List”. If you have questions regarding the Best Bets list, please contact your College Advisor.

Remember! You have at least 2 Advisors at UCSC! MCD Biology Undergraduate Advising is your Major advising home; your College Advisors are your General Education and University Requirement advisors - they also have resources to help you be successful during your time at UCSC.


Need to Make a Plan for Yourself? 

Need help with creating an Academic Plan? Schedule an appointment or attend Drop-in with our Peer Advisors.

Visit our MCD Biology Academic Planning Page where you will find blank plans, sample plans, and checklists for your majors.


MCD Biology Department Updates

Prerequisites and Enrollment Restrictions for MCD Biology Courses

The MCD Biology department has revised our prerequisites for most of our upper division courses - be sure to read the course descriptions for courses.

New Enrollment Restriction for BIOL 20A: First Pass Enrollment

Starting Spring 2025, BIOL 20A will have a First Pass Enrollment Restriction. Students must be one of the following proposed majors to be eligible to enroll in BIOL 20A during First Pass Enrollment: 

  • All Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) majors: Biology BA, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology BS,Marine Biology BS, Plant Sciences BS
  • All Molecular, Cell, and Developmental (MCD) Biology Majors: Biology BS, MCD Biology BS, Neuroscience BS
  • EEB/ENVS combined BA
  • Global and Community Health BS
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology BS
  • Microbiology BS
  • Science Education BS
  • Biomolecular Engineering BS
  • Biotechnology BA

During Second Pass Enrollment, all other majors (proposed or declared) will be eligible to enroll or waitlist BIOL 20A.


New Enrollment Restriction for CHEM 3A and CHEM 3B

For the Spring 2025 quarter, CHEM 3A and CHEM 3B will have a First Pass Enrollment Restriction. Students must be proposed in the following majors to be eligible to enroll in the course during First Pass Enrollment:


First Pass Enrollment restricted to proposed majors in:

  • Chemistry and Biochemistry Majors: Chemistry BA, Chemistry, BS, or Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • All Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) majors: Biology BA, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology BS,Marine Biology BS, Plant Sciences BS
  • All Molecular, Cell, and Developmental (MCD) Biology Majors: Biology BS, MCD Biology BS, Neuroscience BS
  • Global and Community Health BS
  • Earth Sciences
  • Earth Sciences/Anthropology Combined Major
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Applied Physics BS
  • Science Education
  • Advising Clusters for Life and Health Sciences or Physical Sciences and Math



First Pass Enrollment restricted to proposed majors in:

  • Chemistry and Biochemistry Majors: Chemistry BA, Chemistry, BS, or Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • All Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) majors: Biology BA, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology BS,Marine Biology BS, Plant Sciences BS
  • All Molecular, Cell, and Developmental (MCD) Biology Majors: Biology BS, MCD Biology BS, Neuroscience BS
  • Global and Community Health BS
  • Earth Sciences 
  • Microbiology BS
  • Biomolecular Engineering and Bioinformatics BS


New Course: BIOL 25: Frosh/Sophomore Neuroscience Seminar

The MCD Biology department has created a new lower division Neuroscience Seminar course aimed to introduce Frosh/First-Year students and Sophomore/Second-Year students to the Neuroscience major. 

BIOL 25: Frosh/Sophomore Neuroscience Seminar’s learning outcomes are aimed to introduce students to the field of neuroscience, become familiar with UCSC’s Neuroscience faculty and research, gain information about different career paths in neuroscience and the neuroscience major, and more!

BIOL 25 is open to all proposed: Biochemistry and molecular biology, biomolecular engineering and bioinformatics, cognitive science, ecology and evolution, global and community health (B.S.), marine biology, microbiology, molecular cell and developmental biology, neuroscience, biology B.A , biology B.S., biotechnology, or psychology majors.

Though not a requirement for the major, it will help introduce students to the Neuroscience major and faculty as well as related majors.


Student Opportunities Email Google Group

Join our new Student Opportunities Email Google Group to receive messages regarding opportunities shared with MCD Biology Advising from: other departments at UCSC, California state graduate schools, job, scholarship, research, training, volunteer & internship opportunities. You can unsubscribe at any time.

This Google Group is optional and you must register yourself at the link below - please note you can leave the group at any time.

New Student Opportunities Email Google Group: MCDB FWD Opportunities!


Biology, BS

BIOL 111B: Immunology II - Approved to meet Upper Division Elective

BIOL 111B: Immunology II has been approved to meet an Upper Division Elective requirement for Biology, BS and MCD Biology, BS majors. 


MCD Biology, BS

BIOL 104L will be offered during the Spring 2025 quarter and is planned to be offered during the 2025-2026 Academic Year. Additionally, BME 110 has been approved as an alternate course to meet the BIOL 104L requirement. If you have already completed BME 110, please do not also enroll in BIOL 104L.

Please note, the Spring 2025 offering of BIOL 104L will prioritize Spring 2025, Summer 2025, and Fall 2025 graduating students who have not completed BME 110 and are required to complete BIOL 104L.

Reminder - BIOL 104L is a major requirement that started during the 2021-2022 Academic Year. This means the requirement is mandatory for FROSH admitted Fall 2021 and after and TRANSFER students admitted Fall 2024 and after. Transfer students admitted prior to Fall 2024, please meet with an MCD Biology Advisor to discuss your options regarding the BIOL 104L requirement.


BIOL 111B: Immunology II - Approved to meet Upper Division Elective

BIOL 111B: Immunology II has been approved to meet an Upper Division Elective requirement for Biology, BS and MCD Biology, BS majors. 


Neuroscience, BS

REMINDER: BIOL 110 is no longer a required course for the Neuroscience majors with Catalog Rights/who started at UCSC Fall 2021 or after.

It is strongly suggested that Neuroscience, BS majors (regardless of the catalog they are following) look to complete BIOL 129L for the Comprehensive Requirement (formerly the Senior Exit Lab Requirement) and DC Requirement. BIOL 129L has been approved to meet all the requirements the other Upper Division Comprehensive Requirement/DC Lab courses below meet.


Upper Division Comprehensive Requirement/DC Lab Requirement


Biology BS majors: Please utilize the option of choosing the shaded electives on your checklist to meet the Comprehensive Requirement and DC requirements.

If you have already met the Comprehensive Requirement / DC, PLEASE do not enroll in another one! 

BIOL 105L Eukaryotic Genetics Laboratory

Fulfills the upper division lab requirement for Biology, BS and MCD Biology, BS majors only. Capacity of 20.


BIOL 115L Eukaryotic Molecular Biology Laboratory

Fulfills the upper division lab requirement for Biology, BS and MCD Biology, BS majors only. Capacity of 16.


BIOL 129L Neurobiology Lab

Fulfills the upper division lab requirement for Neuroscience, BS. Biology, BS and MCD Biology, BS majors can enroll in BIOL 129L during Second Pass Enrollment. Capacity of 20.


BIOL 186L Undergraduate Research in MCD Biology

Fulfills the upper division lab requirement for Biology BS, MCD Biology BS only. Enrollment is by application only

Please do not submit an application unless you already have a faculty member who is serving/willing to serve as your research mentor and you have carefully reviewed the course description. Capacity of 25. Priority will be given to students who submit an application by Monday, March 31st, 2025. 

Please be sure to attend the first class meeting of BIOL 186L even if your application is still in process. Not attending the first day of class may void your application.

More information regarding the BIOL 186 courses as well as other Undergraduate Research courses can be found on our Undergraduate Research webpage.


METX 100L General Microbiology Lab 

Formerly METX 119L. Fulfills the Comprehensive Requirement and DC Lab requirements for the Biology, BS major.

Please note the Enrollment Requirements in the Schedule of Classes - First Pass Enrollment is only for Microbiology, BS majors; Biology, BS majors can enroll in the course during Second Pass Enrollment. METX 100L is monitored by the Microbiology and Toxicology Department (METX).

MCD Biology, BS Majors following 2023-2024 or earlier catalogs can still complete METX 100L for the Comprehensive Requirement/DC Lab Requirement.


Important Policies for MCD Biology-Sponsored Majors:

  • Letter Grade Policy: All major and minor requirements require a letter grade. P Grades will not be accepted to satisfy major specific requirements. 


  • Major Policy Reminder: Effective Fall 2019, all MCD Biology sponsored majors must complete BIOL 20A and all of the Core 4 courses (BIOL 100, 105, 101 and 110) at UCSC. Frosh who began attending UCSC in Fall 2019 and onward, will need to remember that the above classes cannot be taken outside of UCSC unless they submit an Exception to Policy asking for permission - Note: There is no guarantee that any petition submitted will be approved.


  • C- grades CANNOT be used to satisfy a major requirement and cannot satisfy a prerequisite for another course. You must repeat a course if you receive a C- grade for major or pre-requisite credit. Only grades of “C” (2.0) or better will fulfill major requirements.

Best wishes for a wonderful Spring quarter,

Jeannette, Kylie, and Leanna

MCD Biology Undergraduate Advising

Department of Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology

Division of Physical and Biological Sciences

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