Transfer Academic Plans
Neuroscience BS: Suggested Transfer Academic Plans
Scroll down to find all three academic planners and choose the plan that fits the courses you transferred in with.
Click the 'make a copy for your Googe Drive' button below each plan to copy all three academic planners and major checklist to your Drive.
These plans follow our recommendation of taking only two STEM courses per quarter, so remember to include additional courses to meet your General Education requirements and 180 unit requirement.
PLAN 1: For students who transferred in with the following minimum qualification courses:
- Introductory Biology - equivalent to BIOL 20A/L and BIOE 20B
- General Chemistry - equivalent to CHEM 1A, 1B, and 1C/N OR CHEM 3A, 3B/BL, and 3C/CL
- Calculus - equivalent to MATH 11A/16A/19A
- Organic Chemistry - equivalent to CHEM 8A/L
NOTE: MCD Biology Advising recommends completing all lower-division coursework before entering UCSC. This includes the above plus the equivalent of Organic Chemistry (CHEM 8B), Calculus (MATH 11B), Physics (PHYS 6A/L, 6B, & 6C), and Statistics (STAT 5 or 7/L).
PLAN 2: For students who transferred in with the following courses:
- Introductory Biology - equivalent to BIOL 20A/L and BIOE 20B
- General Chemistry - equivalent to CHEM 1A, 1B, and 1C/N OR CHEM 3A, 3B/BL, and 3C/CL
- Calculus - equivalent to MATH 11A/6A/19A and 11B/16B/19B
- Organic Chemistry - equivalent to CHEM 8A/L and CHEM 8B
NOTE: MCD Biology Advising recommends completing all lower-division coursework before entering UCSC. This includes the above plus the equivalent of Physics (PHYS 6A/L, 6B, & 6C), and Statistics (STAT 5 or 7/L).
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PLAN 3: For students who transferred in with the following courses:
- Introductory Biology - equivalent to BIOL 20A/L and BIOE 20B
- General Chemistry - equivalent to CHEM 1A, 1B, and 1C/N OR CHEM 3A, 3B/BL, and 3C/CL
- Calculus - equivalent to MATH 11A/16A/19A and 11B/16B/19B
- Organic Chemistry - equivalent to CHEM 8A/L and CHEM 8B
- Physics - equivalent to PHYS 6A/L, 6B, & 6C
- Statistics - equivalent to STAT 5 or 7/L
Neuroscience BS transfer checklist (2024-2025)
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Do you need assistance in developing your academic plan? Go to Major Advising for options on interacting with an advisor.